The Saidi Project (2CD)
Ruben van Rompaey
Originally referring to folkloric music and dances from upper Egypt, Saidi is recognized as one of the most prominent belly dance rhythms.
This album contains 33 innovative, contemporary variations based on the Saidi beat, primarily designed for belly dancers and drummers: for workshop class use, drilling, drum circles, remixing and much more!
Containing various moods and intensities, the rhythms take the listener on a voyage through progressive belly dance beats, from energetic upbeat grooves to relaxed ambient moods!
Written, performed, produced by Ruben van Rompaey
Ruben van Rompaey – oriental drums & percussion
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes
Ruben plays Turkish Cymbals & Agner Swiss Drumsticks exclusively
1 Spicy Falaahi & Saidi Loop / 2 Masmudi Routine / 3 Slow Saidi Loop / 4 Malfuf & Saidi Loop / 5 Chobi Loop (Mid-Tempo) / 6 Rhythm Potpourri 1 / 7 Slow Zarafat Loop / 8 Fast Turkish 7 Loop (Horon Style) / 9 Maqsum-Falaahi Loop / 10 Slow Agir Roman Loop / 11 Çiftetelli Routine (slow-fast) / 12 Maghrebi Loop (fast-slow) / 13 Rhythm Potpourri 2 / 14 Dabke Loop (Mid-Tempo)
The Sky Silk Road
Andaluz (Ruben & Rutger van Rompaey)
オリエンタル色がさらに増したかと思えば、ジャジーな要素もさらに濃くなり、Oriental Jazz Fusionとしての完成度が
1 Southern Winds / 2 Oriental Summer / 3 Golden Horn / 4 Days in Nara / 5 Desert Wind / 6 Time Flies / 7 Maghreb / 8 Skylines After Dark / 9 Harvest Moon / 10 Sky Castles / 11 Samsun’da / 12 Sahane
The Sakura Mixes
Ruben van Rompaey / Toshinori Kondo
2014年から2020年の間に収録された5曲と”Tokyo Fusion”からリミックス。近藤氏のエレクトリックトランペットのサウンドをより神秘的、幻想的にアレンジ。ぜひ、考えるのをやめ、目を閉じて、この音の中へ沈んでください。
1 Dream Warriors (Aozora Edit)
2 One Night at Shin-Ohashi Bridge -, Pt. 1
3 Otake
4 Majestic Mountains
5 One Night at Shin-Ohashi Bridge -, Pt. 2
Sea Silk Road
Andaluz (Ruben & Rutger van Rompaey)
Tr1. “Dancing Wave” → タイトルの通りダンサブルなナンバー。緩急のある構成の中、軽快なリズムにマカームの旋律が心地よく絡んでくる。
Tr2. “Sea Silk Road” → タイトル曲であるこの曲は、東アジアと西アジアがまるでどこでもドアで繋がったように自由に行き来する雰囲気がたまらない。
Tr4. “Balkan Rivers” → 10/8拍子というまた難解なリズムを選んだものと感心する。数えようとすると困惑するが、何も気にせずただただ聴いていると自然とリズムの中に入っている自分に気づくだろう。
Tokyo Fusion (Dedicated to Toshinori Kondo)
Ruben van Rompaey – Featuring Toshinori Kondo
Written, performed and produced by Ruben van Rompaey, Bergen op Zoom Holland 2014-2020.
Featuring Toshinori Kondo – electric trumpet
Executive producer: Frans C.M. van Rompaey
Guitar solo ‘Ginza Lounge – Part 2’ by Rutger van Rompaey
Vocal samples by Maarten Zweers
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes @ Accent Audio Studio Bergen op Zoom, Holland. Tracks 14, 15 mastered by Ruben van Rompaey.
Cover and inside booklet painting (acrylic on canvas) Toshinori Kondo and Ruben van Rompaey by Rachelle van Rompaey (
Japanese translation: Shinya Tanaka (EE Japan)
Cover design by Rachelle van Rompaey, Alain Lefebvre
Pictures Kondo & Ruben live in Kyoto, Kondo & Ruben – Makise Satoshi, Takahiko Tanaka
Special thanks: Van Rompaey family, Frans Van Rompaey, Chen Hao, Rachelle van Rompaey, Rutger Verberkmoes, Shinya Tanaka, Maarten Zweers, Alain Lefebvre.
New Silk Road
Andaluz (Ruben & Rutger van Rompaey)
Written & produced by R. van Rompaey/Eastern Expressions 2020-2021
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes, Accent Audio Studio Bergen op Zoom Holland. Except 14 mastered by Ruben van Rompaey
Featured artists:
Ruben Van Rompaey – drums & oriental percussion, add. synthesizer, bass & vocals
Rutger van Rompaey – acoustic & electric guitar
Shera – clarinet, ney
Bianca Jonkers – flute
Tim Rayborn – string instruments, add. vocals, flute
Arno Hagenaars – banjo
Erkan Bediroglu – Turkish style guitar
Thanks to: Van Rompaey-Chen family, Rutger Verberkmoes, Tim Rayborn,
Erkan Bediroglu, all the amazing artists!, Stephen Bell, Turkish Cymbals, Agner Swiss Drumsticks,
Cover picture: Christian Keijsers
Eastern Expressions 5
-Amazonia –
Ruben van Rompaey
Guided by spiritual atmospheres of primeval forests along the Amazon River, Amazonia represents the long-awaited sequel to Mirage (2014).
Oriental percussion smoothly blends together with organic electronic beats, fusing pan-Asian soundscapes with various acoustic instruments and ever-present, detuned bird sounds in the mix.
Thanks to (in no particular order):
Van Rompaey-Chen family, Rutger Verberkmoes, Tim Rayborn,
Won Ki Kim, Sonn Franken, Maarten Zweers.
Special thanks to all of you out there, the fans, for always appreciating and supporting the music of Eastern Expressions through the years!
All tracks written, performed, produced & remixed by Eastern Expressions / Ruben van Rompaey
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes
Featured artists: Tim Rayborn – string instruments / flutes,
Won Ki Kim – didgeridoo
Artwork by Verberkmoes / Van Rompaey
Cover model: Hao Chen
Cover picture by Sonn Franken

(best of more than 10 years of Eastern Expressions)
Ruben van Rompaey
This album represents a collection of remarkable compositions.
Personally selected by internationally renowned world music artist Ruben van Rompaey, it also serves as a perfect introduction guide to the music of Eastern Expressions. With masterfully detailed, organic percussion grooves forming the music’s backbone, the album captures original compositions which were created during different time periods showing spiritual influences from tribes and cultures around the globe.
Evolving from the musical worlds of Middle Eastern, Belly Dance oriented atmospheres into the progressive, modern tribal sounds on Mirage, the music of Eastern Expressions takes the listener into various moods, surprising pallets of sounds and different textures.
Furthermore, the music itself is a musical path into the heart and the mind.
The album features some remarkable collaborations with outstanding top world music artists which have resulted in an amazing fusion of Far Eastern atmospheres, tribal psychedelics, authentic exoticism, modern Jazz and very danceable beats.
Smoothly blending musical worlds of acoustic and electronic instrumentation with immeasurable passion, this album is a must-have for belly dance enthusiasts and lovers of progressive world music in general!
Original album cover art painting by Rachel van Rompaey.
Guided by spiritual atmospheres of primeval forests along the Amazon River, Amazonia represents the long-awaited sequel to Mirage (2014).
Oriental percussion smoothly blends together with organic electronic beats, fusing pan-Asian soundscapes with various acoustic instruments and ever-present, detuned bird sounds in the mix.
Thanks to (in no particular order):
Van Rompaey-Chen family, Rutger Verberkmoes, Tim Rayborn,
Won Ki Kim, Sonn Franken, Maarten Zweers.
Special thanks to all of you out there, the fans, for always appreciating and supporting the music of Eastern Expressions through the years!
All tracks written, performed, produced & remixed by Eastern Expressions / Ruben van Rompaey
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes
Featured artists: Tim Rayborn – string instruments / flutes,
Won Ki Kim – didgeridoo
Artwork by Verberkmoes / Van Rompaey
Cover model: Hao Chen
Cover picture by Sonn Franken
Eastern Expressions 4
– Mirage –
Ruben van Rompaey
Dynamic Middle Eastern rhythms fuse with exotic Far Eastern atmospheres, organic electronic Hip Hop beats smoothly blend together with mesmerizing Jazz harmonies. Featuring the amazing sounds of guest artists like Kondo Toshinori, Wataru Kousaka and Tim Rayborn, this album represents a unique and long-awaited sequel to the notorious Eastern Expressions album series.
The songs on this album were created during different periods of Ruben van Rompaey’s artist travels around the globe. The result is an exciting meeting of musical worlds, a spiritual voyage and amalgamation of traditional oriental moods and modern sound adventures.
Djembolale – Fills and Drills
Ruben van Rompaey
Dynamic Middle Eastern rhythms fuse with exotic Far Eastern atmospheres, organic electronic Hip Hop beats smoothly blend together with mesmerizing Jazz harmonies. Featuring the amazing sounds of guest artists like Kondo Toshinori, Wataru Kousaka and Tim Rayborn, this album represents a unique and long-awaited sequel to the notorious Eastern Expressions album series.
The songs on this album were created during different periods of Ruben van Rompaey’s artist travels around the globe. The result is an exciting meeting of musical worlds, a spiritual voyage and amalgamation of traditional oriental moods and modern sound adventures.
Eastern Expressions 3- Asahi –
Ruben van Rompaey
(2009年当時)既に二度の来日を果たしているオランダのパーカッショニストRubenの三枚目となる本アルバムは、あたかも日本へ、そして広く極東という地へのオマージュをこめたかのようにその名も「朝日」。ジャケットの内側には漢字での表記も見られる他、曲名も日本にちなんだものが多数。彼の持ち味である美しいリズムをその骨格として、今という風をふんだんに盛り込みながら、オールラウンド・オリエンタル・フュージョンともいえるスケールの大きな作品群は、あらゆる視点において必聴の一枚です。アラブの打楽器を表現手段に選んだ彼(作品中では他にも様々な国の打楽器が楽しめる)がさらに日本を表現する、という興味深い多重構造、多面性。彼の視点は「オリエンタル」という言葉の持つ豊かさに、改めて気づかせてくれます。ボーナストラックもユニークで、モーツァルトがトルコに影響を受けて作曲したと言われるトルコ行進曲を、リズムもマカームもトルコ音楽的に解釈しなおした「Rondo alla Turca」は、音楽を通じて時空を越えて交感し合う喜びを実感させてくれます。
Label: Eventide Music Productions USA (2007)
Cover model: Kami Liddle
Ruben van Rompaey
Traditional Pan-Asian ambiences smoothly blend together with contemporary cool beats.
Written, performed & produced by Ruben van Rompaey
Executive producer F.C.M. van Rompaey
1 additional mix by T. Kanda 2 written by Van Rompaey/Sarkus 8 Remix by Solace 11 written by Van Rompaey/Verberkmoes
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes @ Accent Audio
Cover design ‘Henna on Darbuka’ by Takahiko Tanaka
Album design by Rutger Verberkmoes/Ruben van Rompaey
Eastern Expressions 2
– Gomera –
Ruben van Rompaey
Rhythm is a universal language, and this awareness shines through in his direct, passionate style of playing on Eastern Expressions 2. For this album, Ruben brings in a treasure trove of Middle Eastern percussion: dumbeks, riqqs, dhollo, djembes, davul, finger cymbals, tablas, udu, and various cymbals…all for a performance that grabs your attention from the very first note. Ruben is the winner of the Tama Drummers Award and the Erasmus Rotterdam Jazz Award. Highly recommended for belly dancing and tribal dancing enthusiasts.
Written, performed and produced by Ruben Van Rompaey
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes
Label: Eventide Music Production USA
Cover model: Kami Liddle
Eastern Expressions
Ruben van Rompaey
The very first album by Dutch master percussionist Ruben van Rompaey.
Eight drums solos, ranging from slow and haunting to fast and furious. A versatile collection you can use for everything from classroom drills to tribal choreographies even cabaret-style drum solos. All Turkish percussion instruments are used, giving it a rich, earthy sound. Pieces range from 3:34 to 6:05 minutes.
Ruben van Rompaey – oriental percussion
Mastered by Rutger Verberkmoes, Accent Audio, Bergen op Zoom Holland 2004